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Paranormal Peach

Where Paranormal Romance Rules…the Juicer the Better!


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Semi-Charmed: (Harper Hall Investigations Book 1) By: Isabel Jordan

She's infamous.
He's legendary.
Together, they'll be epic...or a complete train wreck. It could go either way, really...


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Hostage (Prison Planet Book 5)

Updated: Sep 21, 2018

The Blurb: Sebastian Wolfe got himself sentenced to death by combat on the prison planet Rhodon in order to protect his sister, Sylvie. As last season’s champion, she was released into the open population, and if he prevails this season, he’ll be allowed to join her. And at first, that was the plan.

Then, at an airborne afterparty following the first fight of the season, Sebastian seizes a chance to crash the ship into zone three, planning to escape the wreckage and join his sister early—until fate throws Kaya Johnston into his path.

Kaya would have died upon impact if Sebastian hadn’t bailed from the doomed yacht with her in his arms, but that’s no reason to go all weak in the knees. He’s the one who crashed the ship in the first place! Now she’s stranded on a prison planet, barefoot and ill-equipped, with only a gorgeous, protective death row inmate who’s declared her his hostage—yet seems to think of her as much more.

Sebastian drags her deep into zone three in search of Sylvie, so he can demand an escape vehicle in exchange for his captive. But after a few days alone with Kaya, he might be unwilling to ever give his beautiful, compassionate hostage up…


Our 5th installment of the Prison Planet Series is again set on "The Devil's Eye". This is a red planet solely used to house the most extreme of criminals, male and female. Each of the books has focused on a particular couple, but they do have an arc that allows us to get a better and bigger picture of the planet, and specific individuals involved, as we move from one story to the next.

I have to hand it to Ms. Chandler for dreaming up such a unique concept and location but, a story centered around a "prison" environment obviously will lend itself to some pretty dark themes. We're dealing with broken people at their lowest point, with nothing to lose.

I must warn you that sexual assault and the mistreatment of women is a very pronounced theme throughout the entire series. So, be forewarned if this is a sensitive subject for you. I admit, there were moments where I had to put the book down and take a few breaths before continuing.

But in this "darkness", there is "light". The main themes we see throughout these book are good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, and the healing power of love. And, Book 5 continues this methodology.

We finally get Sebastian's and Kaya's story. These two are not new to us. We've seen them in other books and have also felt the pull that they've had towards each other.

Sebastian is determined to find his sister on this horrible planet and Kaya "accidentally" goes along for the ride. At first, Kaya is a pawn, able to be used as collateral for Sebastian to get himself and sister off of the planet. But, along the way, we get to know both Sebastian and Kaya very well. The character development is wonderful and sheds light on their feelings about themselves and each other.

As they move from one challenging situation to another, their partnership strengthens and desire blossoms. Priorities begin to change and a future together doesn't seem so out of the question.

Sebastian is H-O-T! He's an Adonis who's body has been sculpted to perfection due to his profession as a gladiator. He's also sweet, funny, seductive and protective. He stole my heart in Book 1 when he "purposely" gets thrown onto this planet for the sole purpose of saving his sister. A true, selfless hero.

Kaya has always had her qualities, even as she worked for the unethical organization, UA, who runs this planet. She's been sheltered and molded to be a certain "type" of person and slowly, but surely, we watch her break out of this shell. She is likable, if a bit naive, but it works. Her self discovery, with Sebastian's help, is revealed at a good pace and lends itself to some very emotional and erotic situations. She's definitely not a fighter, but she is a survivor.

This book is jam packed with edge-of-your seat action and toe-curling sex. It is well-written, unique and never veers from it's course as far as tone and theme.

Great job Ms. Chandler. I'm ready for book 6.

What did you think?

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4 kommentarer

02 okt. 2018

Glad you liked it - I would never have even noticed this book without your review


Sarah Nowicki
Sarah Nowicki
02 okt. 2018

I completely understand bookwormscornerblogspot. Although you never actually witness any abuse in the book, the close calls and fear of it can be hard to read.


02 okt. 2018

Great review This sounds like an interesting concept for a series


02 okt. 2018

Fantastic review. It sounds like a unique plot. I don't think I could read it due to the abuse aspects.

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