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Paranormal Peach

Where Paranormal Romance Rules…the Juicer the Better!


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I'm Sarah and I still love to read fairy-tales

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Manu: Scifi Alien Invasion Romance (Hell Squad Book 16)

Updated: Sep 21, 2018

The Blurb: When former berserker Manu Rahia lost his leg on a mission, he was forced to leave his squad. He knows his new role as head of the Enclave's firing range and armory is important, but hates that he isn't still out there fighting face to face against the aliens and protecting his brothers' backs. But then one woman catches his eye. A no-nonsense woman dedicated to her job as head of security. A woman who seems cool on the surface, but who Manu is convinced is hiding more under her business-like exterior.

Captain Kate Scott dedicated her life to her career in the Army. Now she works hard taking care of security for the Enclave and its residents. She learned a long time ago that she isn't a passionate woman, and that she's better off sticking to her work. But seeing one big, bronze-skinned, muscled man at the range every day has her hormones going into overdrive. She's never felt like this and she's determined to get herself under control.

But when the aliens launch a viscous new attack, right on the Enclave's doorstep, Kate and Manu must join forces to stop the raptors before more people get hurt. Kate will fight fiercely to protect her team and the base, as well as her heart. But Manu Rahia is a man who knows what he wants, will walk through fire to get it, and what he wants is Kate.


Manu is our 16th installment of the Hell Squad Series and for those of you who have not already read the first 15; I highly encourage you to get started.

These books are set during the aftermath of an alien invasion on Earth. It’s also several years in the future where countries are governed by a universal entity.

In each book we are introduced to tough, alpha males and the women who love them.

Ms. Hackett creates a perfect trinity. There’s always an equal amount of character development, white knuckle action and scorching hot sex. You could certainly just read one, or several out of order. But I promise, it’s worth it to start at the beginning and move forward from there, since there is an arc from one book to the next that follows the main objective of the series…defeating the aliens.

Manu’s addition follows the same formula. Our hero is a former soldier, forced to leave his squad after losing his leg and now in charge of the firing range and armory unit for the Enclave, a stronghold and residence of survivors left after the invasion. Our heroine, Kate, is a dedicated military lifer who now runs security. She’s in her 40’s and feels like “passion” and romantic relationships are things of the past. But our golden god, Manu, is determined to prove her wrong.

One of the underlying themes in this specific story is opposites attract. Manu is the oldest of 3 brothers who are a part of the berserker Squad Three (each with their own story). He’s also from a huge, social family where everyone has your back. Kate, on the other hand, is an only child, has had a disastrous relationship and has kept to herself since arriving at the Enclave.

When an alien attack falls under her jurisdiction and Manu steps up to help, sparks fly and Manu is the perfect person to help Kate open up and give herself up to the passion that is possible between them.

And boy, is there passion. Yummy, naughty, fan yourself passion! These two are hot. Think Jason Momoa and Hilary Swank going at it like teenagers. So good!

I liked how this couple is a little older than what we traditionally see in "romance" novels. It's good to see some variety and that age doesn't get you kicked off the erotic roller-coaster.

It's also great to see a female lead who can kick ass just as hard as the men. This is definitely the norm for the Hell Squad books, so if that's your taste, you're in the right place. These girls are fierce and ready to fight for what they want.

This story is packed with emotion, action and romance. I laughed, I got teary-eyed and I was certainly blushing on more than one occasion. The imagery is fantastic, the tone is perfect for the setting and situations, and the characters are raw and real.

Ms. Hackett has hit another one out of the park. I can't wait to get my hand's on the next one and continue on this journey to see hope and love prevail.

What did you think?

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1 Comment

Oct 05, 2018

Swoon - cover looks all alpha he-man

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